A trademark is a sign that you can use to distinct your goods or services from those of other. The trademark is often used for the "brand" or "Logo". Unlike others IPR, trademark does not expire after some time. A trademark registration can last forever until you file necessary documents and pay fees at the regular period. Trademarks are divided into 45 classes - 1 to 34 for goods and 35 to 45 for services. Each Class Representing different goods or services. Once we apply for the trademark, we can use the trademark by putting ''TM" with it but it does not mean your trademark got registration. Registration of trademark takes time. After Registration, you can use the trademark by putting "R" with it.
There is no limitation for name finalization you just need to finalize a unique name for your business which will help you in further for making a good brand in the market. We recommend you at the time of firm registration also take the trademark for your firm name which will save delicacy in the market after registration.
For filing a trademark in India first we need to check that brand name availability in the departmental website with product and services description.
Trademark application in filed under ipindia.gov.in by any trademark attorney for that need to give a power of attorney (TM-48) to trademark attorney with all basic details.
Filing of application is not a single process of trademark a new application the mark "TM" which you can be used after filing that is only for an inciyal time period.
After filing trademark they are checking your brand name in many levels if they satisfied with your application then they will proceed application for next level if not they will raise few objections related to the brand name which is a process of trademark registration.
Normally the final process of registration certificate by the department will take 6 months. Trademark after registration will work for next 10 years then you required to renew your brand name.
A trademark is a symbol, sign, indicator etc. used by an individual or by an organization for promoting their business and services in market separately. Simply, Trade symbol is called trademark. Properly used and promoted, a Trademark may become the most valuable asset of a business.
Trademark registered under trademark act, 1999
You will save duplicate brand names from market after starting your business
Own brand name own asset
Registration covers whole the state of our country under domestic trademark application
Trademark can be sold, assigned or licensed
Major steps to register a company:
Logo registration procedure:
STEP 1 : Search of Logo.
STEP 2: Filing of Logo Registration Application.
STEP 3: Examination of Logo Registration Application.
STEP 4: Publication of Logo in Trademark Journal.
STEP 5: Logo Registration Certificate.
Once the trademark is registered, it is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of application. The registration can then be renewed indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every 10 years.
The TM mark your can use after filing your trademark application in the department that will take only two-three days after submitting all documents and fees in the department. R mark is for registered brand name means your brand is registered under register of TM and now you can use this mark as your business asset or do anything with this brand with your business area.
Statement or Affidavit of Trademark Use. Showing use of your mark is done by filing a Statement of Use, also called an Affidavit of Use. You must show the use of your trademark no later than the 6th year after it is registered, then again before the 10th year, and then again every 10 years after that.
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