DSC signature is a digital token which we need for filing any type of forms under MCA & other department sites.
DIN is the identity of the Director of company same like PAN number.
The name of company will be approved by MCA for that we need to submit few names in department site for approval.
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company is drafted after the name of the company is approved, the last page of the MOA and AOA is referred as subscriber sheet which need to be filled in by the promoters in their own hand.
After drafting of MOA & AOA finally we are applying for COI with all stamp duties.
Now PAN and TAN application is also submitting with COI and Pan number of company is also mentioned on COI.
This is the most common form of doing business in India. Once a company is incorporated, it is treated as a distinct legal entity meaning the company can contract with third parties and incur liabilities. In addition, obligations of the company are not treated as obligations of the shareholders that essentially own the company or the directors that run the company.
The registered office is the official address of the company where all statutory documents from Companies House will be sent and which will appear on all public documents.
In the case of private limited company FDI is allowed in both automatic route and approval route. The foreign partner can only bring in the capital in the form of cash through inward remittance under the automatic route. Remittance of any non-cash consideration for holding equity in the venture will require specific approval.
In the case of a Private Limited incorporation minimum, two directors are required, the number of maximum directors is prescribed in Article of Association (AOA) of private limited company.
No, for starting a business with the tag of a private limited company first you need a certificate of registration by the register of the company. For the financial transaction, after COI you also need the hard copy of PAN card or PAN number of a private limited company for opening current account of the company.
Based on the requirement of obtaining diverse requisite documents, authenticity of the documents submitted by the directors/shareholders, the speed of processing and filing forms & documents, and the briskness of the proceeding performed by the concerned government authorities, the approximate time taken by the entire procedure for incorporation may range from One to Two Weeks.
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